Drawn Table Testing

pygrametl provides the Drawn Table abstraction to simplify testing. A Drawn Table is a string-based representation of a database table. It is implemented in the Drawn Table Testing (DTT) module, but this does not mean that the user necessarily must implement the ETL flow itself with pygrametl or in Python – the ETL flow can be implemented using any programming language or program, including GUI-based ETL tools. First, the functionality provided by DTT is described, then how DTT can be used as a Python package (i.e., together with user-written Python code such as unit tests), and last how DTT can be used as a stand-alone tool that provides the same functionality without requiring the users to implement their tests using Python code.

The Table Class

The Drawn Table abstraction is implemented by the Table class. To create an instance, a name for the table must be given as well as a str with the Drawn Table. Further, a str representing NULL can optionally be given as well as a prefix to be used for variables (see Variables). The Drawn Table is then parsed by the following rules: The first row (called the “header”) contains name:type pairs for each column with each pair surrounded by vertical pipes. After a type, (pk) can be specified to make a column (part of) the primary key. UNIQUE and NOT NULL are also supported and must be defined in the same manner as a primary key. If multiple constraints are defined for one column, they must be separated by a comma. Foreign keys are also supported and will be explained later. A valid header is, e.g., | bid:int (pk) | title:text | genre:text |. If the table should hold any data, the header must be followed by a delimiter line containing only vertical pipes, spaces, and dashes (| -- | -- |) and then each row follows on a line of its own. Columns must be given in the same order as in the header and must be separated by pipes. For string values, any surrounding spaces are trimmed away. A Drawn Table is also a valid table in GitHub Flavored Markdown. An example is given below.

import pygrametl.drawntabletesting as dtt

conn = dtt.connectionwrapper()

table = dtt.Table("book", """
| bid:int (pk) | title:text            | genre:text |
| ------------ | --------------------- | ---------- |
| 1            | Unknown               | Unknown    |
| 2            | Nineteen Eighty-Four  | Novel      |
| 3            | Calvin and Hobbes One | Comic      |
| 4            | Calvin and Hobbes Two | Comic      |
| 5            | The Silver Spoon      | Cookbook   |""")

Alternatively, a Drawn Table’s rows can be loaded from an external source by providing either a path to a file or an iterable to the constructor’s loadFrom parameter. The file must contain a Drawn Table without a header and the iterable must yield dicts mapping from column names to values. Data can thus be loaded from files, databases, etc. at the cost of the test not being self-contained.

After a Table instance is created, its ensure() method can be invoked. This will determine if a table with the same name and rows exists in the test database and otherwise create it (or raise an error if it contains other rows). The reset() creates and fills the table even if it already exists, while create() creates the table without inserting any data into it. Finally, the SQL statement generated by the Table instance can be retrieved using the methods getSQLToCreate() and getSQLToInsert(). By default, DTT uses an in-memory SQLite database to run all tests against as it is very fast and does not require any installation or configuration. It is thus a good choice to use for testing ETL flows during development. Another RDBMS can be used by calling drawntabletesting.connectionwrapper() with a PEP 249 connector.

Multiple different tables in the database can be represented using multiple instances of Table. In such situations, foreign keys constraints are often required. In DTT, foreign keys are defined in the same manner as the other constraints and require that users specify fk target(att) where target is the name of the referenced table and att is the referenced column. An example using foreign keys to connect book and genre can be seen below. All foreign key constraints are enforced by the RDMBS managing the test database.

import pygrametl.drawntabletesting as dtt

conn = dtt.connectionwrapper()

genre = dtt.Table("genre", """
| gid:int (pk) | genre:text |
| ------------ | ---------- |
| 1            | Unknown    |
| 2            | Novel      |
| 3            | Comic      |
| 4            | Cookbook   |""")

book = dtt.Table("book", """
| bid:int (pk) | title:text             | gid:int (fk genre(gid)) |
| ------------ | ---------------------- | ----------------------- |
| 1            | Unknown                | 1                       |
| 2            | Nineteen Eighty-Four   | 2                       |
| 3            | Calvin and Hobbes One  | 3                       |
| 4            | Calvin and Hobbes Two  | 3                       |
| 5            | The Silver Spoon       | 4                       |""")

Table instances are immutable once created. Typically, the postcondition is, however, similar to the precondition except for a few added or updated rows. In DTT it is simple to create a new Table instance from an existing one by using the + operator.

newtable1 = book + "| 6 | Metro 2033 | 2 |" + "| 7 | Metro 2034 | 2 |"

A new instance is also created when one of the rows is updated. This is done by calling the update() method. For example, the first row in table can be changed with the line:

newtable2 = book.update(0, "| -1 | Unknown | -1 |")

Note that a new instance of Table is not represented in the test database unless its ensure() method is invoked. By making Table instances immutable and creating new instances when they are modified, it becomes very easy to reuse the Table instance representing the precondition for multiple tests, and then as part of each test create a new instance with the postcondition based on it. After a number of additions and/or updates, it can be useful to get all modified rows. This is done using the method additions(). For example, a test case where the ETL flow is executed for the new rows is shown below.

def test_canInsertIntoBookDimensionTable(self):
    expected = table + "| 6 | Metro 2033 | 2 |" \
                     + "| 7 | Metro 2034 | 2 |"
    newrows = expected.additions()

For the code above, expected defines how the user expects the database state to become, but it is not the DTT framework that puts the database in this state. The database is modified by the ETL flow invoked by the user-provided etl.executeETLFlow(newrows) on Line 5. This method could, e.g., spawn a new process in which the user’s ETL tool runs. It is thus not a requirement that the user’s ETL flow is implemented in Python despite the tests being so. Using these features, DTT makes it simple to define the state of a database before a test is executed, and the rows the ETL flow should load. However, for the automatic test to be of any use, it is necessary to validate that the state of the database after the ETL flow has finished. This is done using assertions as shown on Line 6.


DTT offers multiple assertions to check the state of a database table. At the moment, the methods assertEqual(), assertDisjoint(), and assertSubset() are implemented in DTT. When assertEqual() is called as shown above, DTT verifies that the table in the test database contains the expected rows (and only those) and if not, raises an AssertionError and provides an easy-to-read explanation of why the test failed as shown below.

AssertionError: book's rows differ from the rows in the database.
Drawn Table:
  | bid:int (pk) | title:text            | genre:text |
  | ------------ | --------------------- | ---------- |
  | 1            | Unknown               | Unknown    |
  | 2            | Nineteen Eighty-Four  | Novel      |
  | 3            | Calvin and Hobbes One | Comic      |
  | 4            | Calvin and Hobbes Two | Comic      |
  | 5            | The Silver Spoon      | Cookbook   |

Database Table:
  | bid:int (pk) | title:text            | genre:text |
  | ------------ | --------------------- | ---------- |
  | 1            | Unknown               | Unknown    |
  | 2            | Nineteen Eighty-Four  | Novel      |
  | 3            | Calvin and Hobbes One | Comic      |
  | 4            | Calvin and Hobbes Two | Cookbook   |
  | 5            | The Silver Spoon      | Cookbook   |

  | bid:int (pk) | title:text            | genre:text |
  | ------------ | --------------------- | ---------- |
E | 4            | Calvin and Hobbes Two | Comic      |
  |              |                       |            |
D | 4            | Calvin and Hobbes Two | Cookbook   |

In this example, the part of the ETL flow loading the book table contains a bug. The Table instance in the test specifies that the dimension should contain a row for unknown books and four rows with known books (see the expected state in the top of the output). However, the user’s ETL code wrongly added Calvin and Hobbes Two as a Cookbook instead of as a Comic (see the middle table in the output). To help the user quickly identify exactly what rows do not match, DTT prints the rows violating the assertion which for equality is the difference between the two drawn table and the database table (bottom). The expected rows (i.e., those in the Table instance) are prefixed by an E and the rows in the database table are prefixed by a D. The detailed information provided by assertEqual() can be disabled, by setting the optional parameter verbose to False. Note that the orders of the rows are allowed to differ between the Drawn Table and the database table without causing the test to fail.

When assertDisjoint() is called on a Table instance, it is asserted that none of the Table’s rows are present in the database table. In this way it is also possible to assert that something is not in the database table, e.g., to test a filter or to check for the absence of erroneous rows that previously fixed bugs wrongly added. When assertSubset() is called, it is asserted that all the Table’s rows are present in the database table which, however, may contain more rows which the user then does not have to specify. assertSubset() makes it easy to define a small set of rows that can be compared to a table with so many rows that they cannot be effectively embedded in the test itself. For example, it can easily be used to test if the leap day 2020-02-29 exists in the time dimension.

When compared to a table in the database, a Table instance does not have to contain all of the database table’s columns. However, only the state of the included columns will be compared. This is useful for excluding columns for which the user does not know the state or which do not matter in the test, like an automatically generated primary key or audit information such as a timestamp.


In some cases specific cells must be equal across different database tables, but the exact values are unknown or do not matter. A prominent example is when foreign keys are used. In DTT this is easy to state using variables. A variable has a name prefixed by $ and can be used in any cell of a Drawn Table. The prefix can be changed by passing an argument to variableprefix in Table’s constructor. DTT checks if the cells with the same variable contain the same values in the database and fails the test if not. The code snippet below shows an example of how to use variables to test that foreign keys are assigned correctly.

import pygrametl.drawntabletesting as dtt

conn = dtt.connectionwrapper()

genre = dtt.Table("genre", """
| gid:int (pk)  | genre:text |
| ------------- | ---------- |
| $1            | Novel      |
| $2            | Comic      |""")

book = dtt.Table("book", """
| bid:int (pk) | title:text             | gid:int (fk genre(gid)) |
| ------------ | ---------------------- | ----------------------- |
| 1            | Nineteen Eighty-Four   | $1                      |
| 2            | Calvin and Hobbes One  | $2                      |
| 3            | Calvin and Hobbes Two  | $2                      |""")

Here it is stated that the gid for Nineteen Eighty-Four in book must match the gid for Novel in genre, while the gid for Calvin and Hobbes One and Calvin and Hobbes Two in book must match the gid for Comic in genre. If the variables with the same name do not have matching values, the errors shown below are raised.

AssertionError: Ambiguous values for $1; genre(row 0, column 0 gid) is 1 and book(row 0, column 2 gid) is 2

This error message is an excerpt from the output of a test case where genre and book had their IDs defined in different orders. In this case, the foreign key constraints were satisfied although Nineteen Eighty-Four (wrongly) was referencing the genre comic. Thus, variables can test parts of the ETL flow which cannot be verified by foreign keys as the latter only ensure that a value is present.

Another example of using variables is shown below. Here the user verifies that in a type-2 Slowly Changing Dimension, the timestamp set for validto matches validfrom for the new version of the member. Thus, variables can be used to efficiently test automatically generated values are correct. It is also possible to specify that the value of a cell should not be included in the comparison. This is done with the special variable $_. When compared to any value, $_ is always considered to be equal. In the example below, the actual values of the primary key column are not taken into consideration. $_! is a stricter version of $_ which disallows NULL.

import pygrametl.drawntabletesting as dtt

conn = dtt.connectionwrapper()

address = dtt.Table("address", """
| aid:int (pk) | dept:text | location:text           | validfrom:date | validto:date |
| ------------ | --------- | ----------------------- | -------------- | ------------ |
| $_           | CS        | Fredrik Bajers Vej 7    | 1990-01-01     | $1           |
| $_           | CS        | Selma Lagerløfs Vej 300 | $1             | NULL         |""")

The methods ensure() and reset() may not be called on a Drawn Table where any variables are used (this will raise an error). This effectively means that variables can only be used when the postcondition is specified. The reason is that DTT does not know which concrete values to insert into the database for variables if they are used in preconditions.

Tooling Support

A key benefit of DTT is the ability for users to effectively understand the preconditions and postconditions of a test due to the visual representation provided by the Drawn Tables. However, to gain the full benefit of Drawn Tables, their columns must be aligned across rows as their content otherwise becomes much more difficult to read. A very poorly formatted Drawn Table can be seen below.

| bid:int (pk)    | title:text       | genre:text |
| ----------------- |
| 1     | Unknown    | Unknown |
| 2 | Nineteen Eighty-Four | Novel     |
| 3     | Calvin and Hobbes One     | Comic |
| 4 | Calvin and Hobbes Two     | Comic |
| 5        | The Silver Spoon | Cookbook |

It is clear from this example that poor formatting makes a Drawn Table harder to read. However, as properly formatting each Drawn Table can be tedious, DTT provides the script formattable.py that automates this task. The script is designed to be interfaced with extensible text editors so users can format a Drawn Table by simply placing the cursor anywhere on a Drawn Table and executing the script. An automatically formatted version of the Drawn Table from above can be seen below, and it is clear that this version of the Drawn Table is much easier to read.

| bid:int (pk) | title:text            | genre:text |
| ------------ | --------------------- | ---------- |
| 1            | Unknown               | Unknown    |
| 2            | Nineteen Eighty-Four  | Novel      |
| 3            | Calvin and Hobbes One | Comic      |
| 4            | Calvin and Hobbes Two | Comic      |
| 5            | The Silver Spoon      | Cookbook   |

The following two functions demonstrate how formattable.py can be integrated with GNU Emacs and Vim/NeoVim, respectively. However, formattable.py is editor agnostic and the functions are simply intended as examples.

GNU Emacs

(defun dtt-align-table ()
  "Format the Drawn Table at point using an external Python script."
   (concat "python3 formattable.py " (buffer-file-name)
           " " (number-to-string (line-number-at-pos))))
  (revert-buffer :ignore-auto :noconfirm))

Vim and NeoVim

function! DTTAlignTable()
    call system("python3 formattable.py " . expand('%:p') . " " . line('.'))

Drawn Table Testing as a Python Package

Using the presented constructs, users can efficiently define preconditions and postconditions to test each part of their ETL flows. DTT thus supports creation of tests during development, e.g., using test-driven development (TDD). A full example using both DTT and Python’s unittest module is shown below.

When using unittest, a class must be defined for each set of tests. It is natural to group tests for a dimension into a class such that they can share a Drawn Table defining the precondition. A class using DTT to test the ETL flow for the book dimension is defined on Line 1. It inherits from unittest.TestCase as required by unittest. Three methods are then overridden setUpClass(), setUp(), and tearDown().

import unittest
import pygrametl.drawntabletesting as dtt

class BookStateTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.cw = dtt.connectionwrapper()
        cls.initial = dtt.Table("book", """
        | bid:int (pk) | title:text            | genre:text |
        | ------------ | --------------------- | ---------- |
        | 1            | Unknown               | Unknown    |
        | 2            | Nineteen Eighty-Four  | Novel      |
        | 3            | Calvin and Hobbes One | Comic      |
        | 4            | The Silver Spoon      | Cookbook   |""")

    def setUp(self):

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_insertNew(self):
        expected = self.initial + "| 5 | Calvin and Hobbes Two | Comic |"
        newrows = expected.additions()
        etl.executeETLFlow(self.cw, newrows)

    def test_insertExisting(self):
        row = {'bid': 6, 'book': 'Calvin and Hobbes One', 'genre': 'Comic'}
        etl.executeETLFlow(self.cw, [row])

The method setUpClass() is executed before the tests (methods starting with test_) in the class are executed. The method first requests a database connection from DTT and then defines a Drawn Table with the initial state of the dimension. By creating them in setUpClass(), they are only initialized once and can be reused for each test. To ensure the tests do not affect each other, which would make the result depend on the execution order of the tests, the book table in the database is created and filled before each test by setUp() and subsequently dropped after the test by tearDown(). Finally, the tests are implemented as separate methods. test_insertNew() tests that a row that currently does not exist in book is inserted correctly, while test_insertExisting() ensures that an already existing row does not become duplicated. In this example, both of these tests invoke the user’s ETL flow by calling the user-defined method executeETLFlow(). As stated, the ETL flow may be implemented in Python, another programming language, or any other program.

Drawn Table Testing as a Stand-Alone Tool

DTT can also be used without doing any programming. To enable this, DTT provides a program with a command-line interface named dttr (for DTT Runner). Internally, dttr uses the DTT module described above. dttr uses test files, which have the .dtt suffix, to specify preconditions and/or postconditions. A test file only contains Drawn Tables but not any Python code. However, a configuration file named config.py can be created in the same folders as the .dtt files to define PEP 249 connections (i.e., in addition to the default in-memory SQlite database) and data sources (support for CSV and SQL is provided by dttr) for use in the tests. An example of a test file is given below. This file only contains one precondition (i.e., a Drawn Table with a name, but without an assert, on the first line) on Line 1–4 and one postcondition (i.e., a Drawn Table with both a name and an assert on the first line) on Line 6–13). This structure is, however, not a requirement as a .dtt file can contain any number of preconditions and/or postconditions.

| bid:int (pk) | title:text            | genre:text |
| ------------ | --------------------- | ---------- |
| 1            | Unknown               | Unknown    |

book, equal
| bid:int (pk) | title:text            | genre:text |
| ------------ | --------------------- | ---------- |
| 1            | Unknown               | Unknown    |
| 2            | Nineteen Eighty-Four  | Novel      |
| 3            | Calvin and Hobbes One | Comic      |
| 4            | Calvin and Hobbes Two | Comic      |
| 5            | The Silver Spoon      | Cookbook   |

To specify a precondition, first the name of the table must be given; in the example above that is book. As dttr uses the DTT module internally, it uses an in-memory SQLite database as the test database by default. Additional databases can be added by assigning PEP 249 connections to variables in the configuration file. To use a connection from the configuration file, the table name must be followed by an @ sign and then the name of the connection to use for this table, e.g., book@targetdw. After the table name, a Drawn Table must be specified (Lines 2–4 in the example above). Like for any other Drawn Table, the header must be given first, then the delimiter, and last the rows. To mark the end of the precondition, an empty line is specified (Line 5).

To specify a postcondition, a table name must be given first. The table name must then followed by a comma and the name of the assertion to use as shown in Line 6 in the example. The table name for the postcondition is book like for the precondition, but they may also be different. For example, the precondition could define the initial state for inputdata@sourcedb and the postcondition could define the expected state for book@targetdw. As already mentioned, the name of the table to use for the postcondition is followed by a comma and the assertion to use, i.e., equal in this example. One can also use the other assertions in DTT: disjoint and subset. Finally in Line 7–13 the actual Drawn Table is given in the same way as for the precondition. The Drawn Table in the postcondition may also use variables. Note that a test does not require both a precondition and a postcondition, both are optional. It is thus, e.g., possible to create a test file where no precondition is set, but the postcondition still is asserted after executing the ETL flow. Also, as stated, a .dtt file can contain any number of preconditions and postconditions.

For tests that require more data than what is feasible to embed directly in a Drawn Table, data in an external file or database can be added to a Drawn Table by specifying an external data source as its last line. For example, by adding the line csv bookdata.csv , the contents of the CSV file bookdata.csv is added to the Drawn Table with , used as field separator, in addition to any rows drawn as part of the Drawn Table. By adding sql oltp SELECT bid, title, genre FROM book as the last line, all rows of the table book from the PEP 249 connection oltp are added to the Drawn Table. This is also extensible through the configuration file such that support for other sources of data, e.g., XML or a NoSQL DBMS like MongoDB can be added. This is done by creating a function in the configuration file. If, for example, the line xml teacher 8 is found in a .dtt file, dttr looks for the function xml in the configuration file and executes it with the arguments 'teacher' and '8'.

dttr can be invoked from the command line as shown below. Note that the ETL program to test and its arguments simply are given to dttr as arguments (–-etl ...). Thus, any ETL program can be invoked.

$ ./dttr.py --etl "python3 myetl --loaddim book"

When executed, dttr by default looks for all .dtt test files in the current working directory, but optional arguments allow the user to select which files to consider (see dttr -h for more information). dttr then reads all relevant test files. Then the preconditions from these files are set. This is done using the DTT’s ensure method such that each table is created and its data is inserted if necessary. If a table with the given name already exists and has differing content, an error will be raised and the table will not be updated. After the preconditions have been set, the ETL flow is started. How to execute the ETL flow is specified using the --etl flag as shown above. When the ETL flow has finished, all postconditions are asserted and any violation raises an error. If multiple occurrences of the same variable have different values, an error will also be raised, no matter if the variables are in the same or different .dtt files. It is thus, e.g., possible to have a test file for the fact table and another test file for a dimension table and still ensure that an inserted fact’s foreign key references a specific dimension member.